
What is Kratom Resin and How do you Use it?

kratom resin

Curious about what Kratom resin is? This style of Kratom is not stocked by all suppliers online, but you can find it for sale from some of the higher quality stores out there. For new users of Mitragyna Speciosa, it may not be immediately obvious what this resin is made up of how one might use it. Kratom resin has the appearance of a dark, glassy black lump that looks like it might be a dried brick of tar. It is actually a highly concentrated type of Kratom extract that is viewed as being a very convenient way to transport, store and consume this herbal product.

Kratom Resin Guide

In case you are not familiar with extract formulations of Mitragyna Speciosa we will quickly address what they are and how they are named. An extract is simply any product that has a higher alkaloid content of typical Kratom leaves by extracting the active chemicals from the plant matter. Extracts are usually made by boiling the leaf to remove the alkaloids and the remaining material is either formed into a solid resin, ground into a powder or sold as a liquid tincture. Resins can further be pressed into smaller single-dose Kratom pies or shipped in large bricks that the user will be able to cut up on their own.

Kratom resins are all identified as being 8x, 15x or as some other denomination times stronger than unprocessed Kratom leaves. The number coefficient refers to the total weight of dried leaves that the resin was derived from to make 1 gram of extract. For example, if you had converted 15 grams of leaves into 1 gram of resin, you would make a 15x resin. This does not necessarily mean that there will be 15 times greater alkaloid content in the resin compared to the leaves as this would require a 100% extraction efficiency; however you can use this number as a general guideline when determining dosages and such.

Another thing to remember is that a higher number is not always better. Anything greater than a 20x resin is considered to not preserve the full spectrum of alkaloids in the Kratom plant. Within the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree there are 25 identified alkaloids and a total of 40 physiologically active compounds. In order to appreciate the full effects of the Kratom herb, it is necessary to maintain as much of this balance as possible. As such, there is a great preference for Full Spectrum Extracts which ensure that all alkaloids are represented in the final product. If you find a 50x Kratom resin or any number higher than 20x, it is almost guaranteed not to be a full spectrum resin. Whatever strength of Kratom resin you decide to buy, remember that because it has much higher potency than standard leaves, you should be much more careful with dosages and with taking breaks to prevent tolerance accumulation.

How to Make Resin

Buying resin bricks or pies can be quite expensive given all of the processing costs. This has led some users to investigate making their own Kratom resin from fresh or crushed leaves. While it does take a lot of practice and persistence to get it right, you can make your own extracts in a cost-effective fashion.

In order to make resins, fresh Kratom leaves are boiled for several hours to break down the membranes in the leaves and extract as much of the alkaloid content as possible. After a few hours have passed, the leaves are left to steep further and the water is evaporated off. Once the water has evaporated, what remains is a black, tar-like paste that is much denser without all the excess water content. The dark paste at this stage is malleable and can be poured into different metallic molds or left to dry in a lump. After it has dried it becomes Kratom resin which can then be cut into smaller blocks for retail. It can also be grown into an extract powder with a dark, glassy appearance.
The extraction factor is determined by the ratio between the starting weight of the leaves and the finishing weight of the resin. If you make 1 gram of resin for every 8 grams of leaves, then you have produced an 8x Kratom resin. Like all other forms of Kratom extracts or leaves, there can be great disparity in the quality of Resin sold by online stores. Most suppliers do not specify the strain of Mitragyna Speciosa that the resin comes from, nor do they tell you the grade. There is also usually not much variety among different types of Kratom. Most vendors will only sell one strain in resin form and it more often than not will be a Red Bali leaf or some type of blend.

While the lack of choice can be frustrating, there are some notable benefits to using resin over raw leaves or powdered leaves. One major advantage is that you will need a much smaller amount in order to experience the same effects. A standard dosage for an 8x Kratom resin will be 1/8th the amount of your require dosage for a non-extract variety. This makes it more convenient for consumption as well as for travelling with your resin on the go. Another benefit is taste: Kratom leaves and powders are well known for being bitter and unpleasant to your taste buds. Resins tend to taste better since they do not contain the same amount of raw plant matter and their convenient shape will limit the surface area exposure of your mouth to the Kratom.

How to Use
One of the most frequent questions we see from newbies in the Kratom world is, how exactly are you supposed to use this stuff? It may not be immediately obvious, but there are several ways to consume Kratom resin. One easy way is to mix your block into a tea by placing it in a boiling pot or cup of water. Once the resin has dissolved, you can mix in spices like cinnamon or sweeteners like sugar and honey to improve the taste. There are a number of delicious Kratom tea recipes available online. Then, drink the tea all at once or divided it into smaller doses and drink it through the day or over a couple of days.
Another option is to simply cut the block of resin into smaller pieces and swallow it like you would a Kratom capsule. This strategy makes it very easy to take your dosages throughout the day as you can keep your Kratom bricks in an airtight containing and carry them with you as you go. There are some people who say that using Kratom resins in the way can make it take longer for the effects to kick in since your stomach has to first break down the block. However, in our experience, the difference is negligible. One actual downside of this administration method is that it can be harder to control your dosage of resin of Kratom. For this reason, you should purchase a micro scale that allows you to measure out your desired dosage so you do not end up taking too much at once.

Stacking Kratom with Kava Root – What are the Benefits and is It Safe?

kava and kratom

Kratom and Kava are two ethnobotanicals that are often compared for their ability to promote feelings of relaxation and euphoria. Both grow in Southeastern Asia and have long been used in traditional medicine as well as by native cultures that took these substances for recreational purposes. Kratom Tea is popular today as an energizer and pain reliever while causing sedation and mental calmness at higher doses. Kava Kava is actually an alcoholic drink that was prepared for social events to boost mood, relieve anxiety and increase sociability.

Despite their similar benefits for the body and mind, Kratom leaves and Kava root have distinct mechanisms of action. As such, individuals who have experimented with combining the two or with blended products have found it to produce much more powerful results. Using a Kratom and Kava stack results in both of these substances potentiating each other, giving you a stronger effect. But questions remain about how Kratom and Kava interact in your body. What are additional benefits from taking them together and s it safe to combine these two ethnobotanicals?

Kava Root Introduction
Kava root, or Kava Kava, is a shrubby plant that grows in the Pacific West similar to Kratom. It has been used for thousands of years by indigenous tribes as a medicinal substance with sedative properties. Traditionally, Kava (Piper Methysticum) is prepared into an alcohol by grinding the roots of the shrub and then adding them to water. This was then consumed as a ceremonial drink not unlike how we in the West consume wine. Kava has similar relaxing effects to alcohol and is said to reduce anxiety, insomnia, stress and pain. It is used as a natural remedy for social anxiety and a 2004 study found it to improve cognitive performance as well as mood.

Kava root is believed to have a similar mechanism of action to benzodiazepines which are a class of prescription drugs with tranquilizer effects. Specifically, chemicals in Kava are observed to modulate GABA receptors in the brain to make this neurotransmitter system more active. GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system, used to calm the brain down when it is over-excited or over-stimulated. Kava Kava may also influence the Dopamine neurotransmitter which is involved in feelings of pleasure as well as motivation. Taking Kava Kava can leave you feeling slightly buzzed, release tension, quiet your mind and soothe or calm you.

Kratom and Kava
What is interesting about Kratom and Kava is that the two plants produces fairly similar psychological effects but they use very different mechanisms of action. Whereas Kava is a sedative and an anxiolytic because it interacts with GABA receptors, Kratom produces the same benefits by stimulating the mu and delta opioid receptors. Similarly, Kava boosts mood and mental performance by activating Dopamine receptors whereas Kratom shows an affinity for the Serotonin and Norepinephrine receptors in your nervous system This makes the Kratom Kava Stack a natural candidate to consider if you want to increase the strength of both of these compounds; since they work on distinct systems in the brain, it is conceivable that by combining them together you can affect mood.

If you do decide to try Kratom and Kava together to make the effects of both stronger, make sure that you have extensive experience with using Kratom on its own first. You should then try taking Kava root by itself to determine exactly how this plant affects you. Allow yourself at least one week of trying each independently before adding them together. Kava is generally described as a subtler version of Kratom with lower potency on its own. When you are ready to add Kava to your routine, consider cutting down to about half your typical dose of Kratom first; since the two potentiate each other, you will need a smaller dose of each in order to see the same results. A safe starting dose of Kava is 2-4 tablespoons, consumed either in powder format, by chewing the roots or by preparing a tea.

The effects of taking Kratom with Kava are described as being highly relaxing. If you commonly use Kratom as a stimulant to boost your mental energy, you will likely find that adding Kava counteracts much of this added energy. Instead, it can take the edge off from particularly stimulating strains of Kratom leaf or in larger doses cause you to feel highly sedated. User reviews say that this stack causes deep feelings of euphoria, contentment, and a sense of inner peace. This stack is believed to be highly effective for curbing anxiety and nervousness, while helping users overcome shyness and social phobias. It can also treat insomnia and make it easier to stay asleep throughout the night.

Is the Kratom Kava Stack Safe?
There are some serious questions about whether it is safe to combine Kratom and Kava Kava. Both of these compounds can produce adverse effects if they are used improperly and this risk is exacerbated when using them in combination. Negative side effects can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lack of mental clarity, excessive fatigue and difficulty controlling movements. Kava can cause liver damage with excessive consumption just like drinking alcohol. Do not mix this stack with alcohol or other drugs or pharmaceuticals. Both Kratom and Kava can be abused if they are taken in excess doses or taken too frequently. You should limit your use so that you do not develop a tolerance to the effects of either substance. When used appropriately, it may be possible to safely combine Kratom and Kava root in a stack, but not everyone will have the same reaction. If you find that this stack is not working for you, there are a number of other Kratom potentiators that you can try stacking with Kratom instead.

Is Kratom Safe: Evaluating Concerns & How to Use Safely

Is Kratom Safe

The benefits of Kratom capsules are numerous: this tropical plant contains natural compounds that can uplift your mood, alleviate stress, increase your alertness and eliminate pain. But given all the critical media coverage of Kratom recently, you are not alone if you have questions about the safety of this natural plant. Research shows that Kratom is safe if used responsibly and according to recommended dosing guidelines. One study in the journal Central Nervous System Drugs stated that there were no significant adverse effects from using this botanical and that it did not pose the same risks as other opioids commonly prescribed in Western medicine. There have been instances of Kratom abuse where individuals have taken 10x or more the recommended dosage for months on end. In these cases, some serious negative side effects may be observed like addiction and withdrawal symptoms. In order to safely use Kratom, it is advised that you take the smallest dosage required and only use it on an as-needed basis.

How to Use Kratom Safely
Hundreds of thousands of Americans and likely millions of people around the world have taken Kratom and been able to use it safely. It is often forgotten than in Southeastern Asia, Kratom tea is consumed much like we in the West drink coffee and it is even used as an ingredient in food. Historically, the leaf was chewed throughout the day by workers who took it to help them stay energized while performing physically intense labor. In some parts of Thailand, as much as 70% of the male population uses Kratom leaves which they begin chewing when they are 25 years old and continue for their entire lives. These individuals will consume anywhere from 10 to 60 leaves per day which amounts to between 10 – 80 grams. This amount is significantly larger than what most people in the USA use on a daily basis. Chronic consumption of quantities this large may lead to loss of appetite, anorexia,constipation or bowel blockages.

You can avoid these problems by controlling your dose size and regularly taking breaks from Kratom powder usage. The reason Mitragyna Speciosa is so effective at promoting positive feelings and boosting energy is because it contains alkaloids that interact with the mu and delta opioid receptors as well as the serotonergic and noradrenergic systems in the body. As the alkaloids from this plant interact with these receptors in your central nervous system, it can cause the receptors to become less sensitive over time, developing a tolerance to Kratom. This is known as receptor down-regulation and it may lead to some individuals taking more and more Kratom in order to achieve the same results whether it be for pain or other symptoms. This is a gradual process that can take a long time to develop, much like how one might develop a tolerance to caffeine if you drink excessive amounts of coffee every day for a year.

Kratom Safety Concerns
The concern is that you will then become dependent on larger doses of Kratom in order to get through the day and feel normal. Once you stop regularly taking Kratom, it could lead to the onset of withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, anxiety, difficulty focusing and depression. These symptoms are no different than if a “coffee addict” were to skip their morning cup of java after developing a reliance on it. However, if you stick to the suggested Kratom dose and do not take it every day, serious side effects are rare and you will not develop a tolerance or addiction. Ideally, you should not be consuming Kratom more than 5 days in a row and you should take frequent breaks to allow your receptors to reset. There have been several experience logs of individuals taking Kratom for 30 days straight and then stopping cold turkey without any signs of withdrawal or dangerous effects, but it is always better to err on the side of caution.

A safe usage range is considered to be between 2 – 10 grams for Kratom leaves, fine ground powder or capsules. Kratom extract products will contain a higher concentration of active ingredients and should be used based on manufacturer instructions. For example, if taking a 15x extract you should not exceed 700 mg and with a 50x extract you would not want to take more than 200 mg. While there have never been cases of dangerous adverse events or fatalities from overdosing on Kratom in the US, it can lead to some unpleasant side effects like becoming excessively tired, diminished muscle control and mental fogginess. In most cases, if you take too much at any given time, you will simply fall asleep. Mild side effects may include constipation, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches and fatigue. If you experience any of these effects, stop taking Kratom for a week or so before beginning to use it again safely.

How Long Does Kratom Last

kratom storage

Regardless of what type of Kratom you buy, it will degrade over time and eventually lose potency. This is an inescapable truth when dealing with organic plant matter whether you are using Kratom leaves, a bulk powder or some type of extract. Fresh Kratom will have the highest concentration of active chemicals, but these alkaloids become less effective and the leaves can grow stale as time passes. There are some who say that the alkaloid last slightly longer if you purchase full or crushed leaves as opposed to powdered or encapsulated products though this has not been confirmed in a lab environment. For the best possible results, you should use your leaves, powders or extracts within 1 to 3 months and only purchase from vendors who have a high turnover rate and are not shipping out old inventory.

Of course, that is not always possible. It can sometimes be tempting to stock up on bulk product at wholesale prices that are much cheaper than if you were to buy your powder one ounce at a time. In these instances, it becomes important to properly store your reserve supplies to prevent them from going bad before you have the chance to use them. How long does Kratom last for and what can you do to make it last longer? In ideal storage settings, it can stay potent for well over a year and by some reports up to five years. But there are many different factors that can influence the perishability of your Kratom supplies and cause it to go bad earlier. Below are some of the easy strategies you can use to store Kratom so that it lasts for as long as you need it to last.

How to Store Kratom to make it Last Longer
Over time, chemical reactions can occur in your Kratom products that may interfere with the active ingredients. One of the key beneficial alkaloids found in Kratom is mitragynine which is an opiate agonist and gives this plant its pain-relieving and relaxing properties. In the wrong conditions, sources say that this alkaloid can be converted into mitragynine pseudoindoxyl which is actually an opiate antagonist. To prevent this, Kratom leaves or powders survive best in a stable environment that is airtight, temperature-controlled, moisture free and has limited exposure to light. Consistency is key if you want to be able to enjoy it for many months at a time.

Ideally, you should keep your Kratom in a cold room, inside an interior closet in your house or some room that does not have a window. This is necessary to ensure a relatively static temperature for the leaves which will slow down the rate at which the alkaloids degrade. Heat from the sun or from leaving your Kratom next to a heating vent can promote reactions with the alkaloids and cause them to lose potency faster. There are some users who will store their high potency Kratom extracts in a refrigerator or freezer to ensure it is as fresh as possible. While you do not necessarily have to do this, keeping it in a cold room with an unchanging temperature is a good idea.

Another threat to how long your Kratom lasts is dampness, humidity and moisture. Even a tiny bit of water in the right environment can stimulate the growth of mold in your crushed leaves or powder. Unfortunately, if you detect any mold on your Kratom, it is usually necessary to throw away all of the product that you have stored in the same place to prevent inadvertently consuming some undesirable bacteria. The best way to limit exposure to moisture is by storing it in an airtight container in some part of your house that is usually dry. (Temperature control also plays a role here to prevent the build-up of condensation.) Consider placing the powder in a Ziplock bag and then placing the bag inside a glass jar or plastic Tupperware container with a sturdy lid.

Using an airtight storage container will also prevent your Kratom pills from oxidizing which can shorten its useable life. Oxygen can cause the leaves to become stale due to a physiological process known as cross-linking. Air exposure can also react directly with the alkaloids, once again causing them to become less potent over time. To minimize oxygen exposure for long-term storage, you can use a vacuum seal plastic bag that removes as much air as possible from the environment. A cheaper option is to place it in a Ziplock bag and make sure to squeeze as much air out as possible before sealing it.
Finally, keeping your Kratom leaves in a dark environment will protect it from sunlight and UV radiation damage. Have you ever noticed how a picture left in the sunlight will become faded much faster than if you were to leave the same picture in a dark closet? The radiation from the sun and other sources of light can actually damage the molecular structure of everything from photographs to Kratom powders, causing significant reductions in alkaloid concentration over time. Keep your Kratom in a dark cupboard or closet and ideally do not leave it out in the sun or next to a window for extended periods of time. If you follow all of these steps, you can maximize how long your Kratom lasts and you won’t have to worry about throwing away unused amounts even if you’re buying it in bulk quantities.

What are the Varieties of Kratom for Sale?

kratom for sale

If you have been looking for Kratom for sale online, chances are you have noticed that there are several different forms that you can buy it in. In addition to determine which vendor is the best and what strain to purchase, it is important to find the type of Kratom product that best suits your needs. Formulations of Kratom for sale can vary widely from purchasing bulk powder to pre-made capsules to the raw leaves as well as more processed options like extracts and tinctures. Each of these options has their own unique pros and cons and you may find that your needs favor one over the others. What are the most popular forms of Kratom to buy and how should you decide which of these makes sense for you?


Kratom powders are one of the top selling options available today. These powders feature ground up leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa that have typically been de-stemmed. Removing the stems and sinewy veins of the plant is important as these components are believed to contain ingredients that can lead to nausea. Powdered Kratom can be mixed into liquid to be consumed, made into a tea or encapsulated using a pill capping machine. The powder tends to be one of the cheaper ways to buy this herb, especially when comparing it to capsules which can sometimes cost two to three times more expensive than the bulk ingredient. Users will typically see results when taking between 2 – 8 grams of the powder.

Even though Kratom for sale in powdered form is quite cheap, it is known to have a bitter taste that is unpleasant to many. The taste is so bad that some say they need to cap their powder in order to avoid it coming into contact with their taste buds. While some will chose to purchase the powder anyways and make their own capsules, you can save yourself some effort by purchasing encapsulated products. These products do tend to be more expensive, but for some the added cost is worth it for the convenience factor. Another benefit of purchasing capsules is that your dosages will be pre-measured for you so you do not need a scale or a set of measuring spoons in order to get the right amount.

It is still possible to purchase Kratom in the traditional form as either whole leaves or a crushed leaf product. The leaves can then be made into a tea or chewed in order to consume the active alkaloids. There seems to be some false information circulating on the internet that you can smoke Kratom leaves; this is not the case as smoking the leaves has been found to offer no benefits to the user. The leaves are often identified by different strains and potency levels as well as the color of the vein in the leaf. For example, Green Vein Kratom products are known for being quite stimulating and can last up to 6 hours. Conversely, White Vein strains are recognized as being shorter lasting but giving more mental energy, reducing anxiety and increasing alertness. Finally, Red Veined leaves are associated with alkaloids that produce more analgesic effects, relaxation and euphoria.

kratom saleMore recently, it has been possible to find Kratom extracts for sale online. Extracts contain a higher potency of alkaloids to plant matter and are made using acetic acids as well as boiling water. The leaves are boiled in the water to evaporate the liquid so that a purified plant resin remains with more concentrated alkaloids. These extracts are often signified as being 15x or 50x Kratom, though there have been some investigations suggesting that the alkaloid content is not consistent enough to make such determinations. Extracts are marketed as being more powerful, but cost quite a bit more and are associated with greater risk of tolerance, addiction, side effects and other health concerns. Closely related to the extract is the Kratom Tincture which is simply a liquefied version of an extract designed to be consumed easily. Again, these products face criticism for increased risk of side effects and unpredictable potencies.

What form of Kratom makes sense for you to buy? Many beginners decide to start off by purchasing capsules so they do not have to worry about measuring out the appropriate dosages or mixing their powder. You will find that more experienced users prefer the powder or crushed leaf options as they tend to be cheaper and offer more choice in the marketplace. Most experts recommend staying away from extracts and tinctures due to the potential for greater risk of side effects. Ideally, whichever vendor you decide to purchase from should offer several different choices for acquiring this herb. When looking for Kratom for sale on the internet, make sure you purchase from an established supplier that has a long history of reviews and that has a reputation for providing quality products.

Is Kratom Legal Where You Live? International Laws & Regulations

is kratom legal

Kratom is a natural herb with an extensive range of benefits for mood, energy levels, stress and pain relief. Users who take Kratom capsules say that it improves their concentration, alertness, mental drive, sense of happiness, and susceptibility to anxiety and depression. This plant-based product has been used by millions of individuals worldwide and is a fixture among traditional cultures in South East Asia. It is considered safe when used as directed and is seen as a useful tool in treating opiate withdrawal. Recently, there has been much controversy regarding the legal status of Kratom with some politicians pushing a ban on this substance. In some countries, growing the Kratom plant is considered illegal and some of the alkaloids found in its leaves are now listed as controlled substances. Is Kratom legal in your country of residence and are there any special considerations you should keep in mind when purchasing or using it?

Is Kratom Legal?
United States: Kratom is not a controlled substance in the USA and is considered legal to grow, possess and use. You do not need a prescription to purchase it and it is not currently regulated by the FDA. Because it has not been approved for human consumption, it cannot be sold or labelled as a dietary supplement, but it can be sold as a raw active ingredient. Some states in the USA are considering legal regulations to control its sale; you should check with local authorities in your state of residence for up to date information on the legal status of Kratom products.

United Kingdom: You can purchase Kratom in the UK without a prescription and it is not currently scheduled or restricted. There are some local vendors of Kratom powder and capsules in the UK, but they tend to be a lot more expensive than North American based retailers.

Canada: Kratom is legal in Canada and can be purchased, sold and used without any limitations.

Australia: In Australia, the Mitragyna Speciosa tree as well as the Mitragynine alkaloid found in Kratom are listed on Schedule 9 of the SUSDP. This decision was made in October of the year 2003 at a meeting of the National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee. The Committee chose to make Kratom a controlled substance because they believed it had the potential for abuse, despite the fact that the Committee recognized that no cases of Mitragynine abuse had occurred in Australia.

Austria: At present, Kratom is legal and not controlled in the country of Austria.
Belgium: Mitragyna Speciosa is not a controlled plant in Belgium and none of the alkaloids present in Kratom have been scheduled in this country. Kratom is legal and you do not need a prescription to purchase it.

Brazil: Kratom use is legal in Brazil where the leaves of the plant as well as Kratom extracts are sold by local vendors.
Denmark: Up until 2009, Denmark allowed Kratom powders to be sold with no legal repercussions. However, its status has now changed and the herb is currently listed as a controlled substance.
Finland: According to some reports, Finland requires a prescription in order to purchase and use Kratom products. Importing the plant to Finland is also illegal and will result in your shipment being seized at the border.
Germany: The legal status of Kratom in Germany is somewhat unclear, in part due to the fact that laws have recently changed. Previously, German residents could import Kratom with little difficulty. However, the herb has now been classified as an unlicensed medicine and both domestic and international purchases are being controlled under Section 73 of the Medicines Act. Personal imports are likely to be inspected by border officials and denied entry. The law also outlines potential penalties including fines and jail time for Germans who unlawfully order it online.

Greece: Kratom use is not legislated in Greece and the chemical components of this plant are not considered to be controlled substances under Greek law.

Hungary: While Mitragyna Speciosa leaves have not been approved for human consumption, they are sold as incense and are available from head shops in Hungary.

Indonesia: Indonesia is one of the largest producers and exporters of Kratom in the world with many strains native to this Southeast Asian country. It is legal to grow and sell in this country and much of the North American supply of Kratom is source from Indonesia. There have been some unconfirmed reports about exports being blocked for shipment to the USA, but Indonesian strains continue to be sold and enjoyed around the world.

Ireland: You can buy Kratom locally in Ireland as it is legal and not regulated by Irish Statute Law or in the Misuse of Drugs Act.

Italy: There is little information about the legality of this herb in Italy; however, some Italian users tell us that it is legal and not controlled.

Malaysia: Kratom is illegal to sell in Malaysia unless you have a government license.

Myanmar: In Myanmar or Burma, this plant is illegal to grow and sell.

Netherlands: As you might expect, Kratom is legal in the Netherlands and is sold in smartshops as well as from online Dutch vendors. The Netherlands is one of the largest suppliers of this plant to Europe.

New Zealand: Under New Zealand law, you will need a prescription if you want to use Mitragyna Speciosa leaves. It is classified under the same Schedule 1 as prescription drugs in the Medicines Amendment Regulations Act of 2009. This law makes it illegal to sell Kratom to individuals without a prescription. However, certain interpretations have suggested that importing and possessing Kratom products is not technically illegal in New Zealand.

Romania: Kratom is a newly banned substance in Romania as of 2010.

Russia: There is some confusion about the legal status of Kratom use in Russia. Some sources say that it is still legal while others cite a change in the law some time in 2011.
Sweden: At present, Kratom is illegal to use in Sweden and it is not listed on any drug schedules. However, there are indications that this law may change in the future.

South Korea: According to some reports, Kratom is illegal in this country and is heavily regulated. Unlawful importation may be penalized with criminal punishments.

Thailand: Thailand is the native home of the Kratom plant and it has been used here for centuries as a component of traditional medicine practices. Mitragyna Speciosa leaves are also commonly prepared as a tea and consumed as a drink similar to coffee. Despite the widespread use of Kratom in Thailand, it is classified as a Level 5 Narcotic which makes it illegal to grow, possess, sell or purchase. There have been several inquiries that suggest this law was primarily established because Kratom was diverting funds from the lucrative opium trade in Thailand. While Mitragyna Speciosa continues to be used by traditional populations, much of the so-called “Thai Kratom” now sold online actually comes from Indonesia or other nearby countries.