Daryl Simpson

How to Prepare and Use Crushed Kratom Leaves

how to use crushed leaf kratom

If you want to prepare crushed kratom leaves, start with the advice of the experts. Traditional cultures have used the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree, also known as kratom, for centuries if not thousands of years. This cure for ailments big and small, soother of the mind, and provider of potent energy was literally just plucked off of trees and chewed in the mouth. When a Dutch explorer re-discovered the plant remedy in 1831 and set about sharing it with the world, new ways of ingesting kratom had to be devised. Here are a few tried and true simple preparations of kratom leaf that you can enjoy in your routine.

The Power of Powders
The most common method for preparing crushed leaf kratom is by transforming the leaves into a powder. This is easily accomplished. You can simply crunch up the leaves in your bare hand, being careful to collect the resulting dust, perhaps on a piece of paper laid out on the table. You can also add dried leaves to an empty pepper mill (preferably a new one so no remnants of other spices remain), and grind them into a powder. Or, a small food processor or blender can accomplish the task well, though be sure to account for some kratom dust getting stuck to the blades.

Now that you have made your own kratom powder, a world of opportunity opens up for how to ingest it. You can try any of the following recipes quite easily:

  • Eat raw off of a spoon, followed by a delicious drink.
  • Mix into orange or grapefruit juice.
  • Blend into soft foods like pudding or applesauce.
  • Add to hot, savory foods like soups or oatmeal.
  • Load into empty vitamin capsules from a health food store.

Smoking or snorting this powder is not recommended, as it will not enter your bloodstream any faster or more effectively. Most users agree that ingestion by mouth is the best way to take kratom.

Using Crushed Kratom Leaves In Teas
Another very popular method for taking crushed kratom leaves is brewing them into a tea. You don’t need any special equipment for this other than a tea kettle or pot and simple strainer. Just add kratom powder (or just the leaves) into a pot of water and bring it to a soft boil. Then reduce the heat to a simmer and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Pour the liquid into a mug, using a strainer to separate out the thicker sediment, which you can then discard. Even a piece of cheesecloth will work as a strainer and won’t dilute the efficacy of the tea. Serve hot immediately, or put on ice, or store in the fridge for later.

Dosage Guide for Kratom Leaf
Dosage is a very important consideration for any kratom user, every single time they take kratom. Each type of leaf will express unique effects in varying potencies. Sometimes, patient experimentation is the best way to calculate the optimum dose. However, here are some general dosage guidelines for powders that will help you begin the process of finding your perfect dose.

1-3 grams of powder. This is an excellent entry level dose for most users. Effects will be noticeable but of shorter duration.
3-5 grams of powder. This is a good median dose. You should expect more stimulant-like effects at this level, for a brighter, more energetic feel.
5-7 grams of powder. This is a very strong dose for most users. Effects at this level will begin to get more relaxing and sedative in nature.
10+ grams of powder. This very intense dose is only recommended for experienced users. Effects at 10 grams and above can have very strong sedative qualities.

Of course, anyone who wants to buy crushed kratom leaves should start with the classics. But from that basis, it can be fun and informative to experiment with new methods that suit your lifestyle. This can include combining kratom with new foods, or simply working with ingestion techniques that make the experience more enjoyable, such as time of day and before or after meals. There is no wrong answer – as kratom leaf is safe and effective when used responsibly, the best way to take it is up to you.

Where to Purchase Kratom Locally in Stores

buy kratom locally

Trying to figure out where you can buy kratom in local stores is one of the first challenges facing newer kratom users. Perhaps you’ve read about the incredible benefits of this all-natural herbal remedy and are excited to try it out. But where do you start? Unfortunately, kratom still isn’t yet sold in every market, so it may take a little more research to find the best venue to serve you. You’ll need to find a great selection, affordable prices, and a safe and legal purchase process. Here is a comparison of some of the local kratom vendors that users patronize.

Should you Purchase Kratom at the Local Head Shop?

Over the last 50 years, head shops have played an important role in our society. They have made difficult to find products and tools easy to find – especially items that mainstream society may deem controversial, or the domain of hippies or new age fans. The products sold can also include music or art, pipes, and “legal highs.” These unregulated products are largely harmless, but occasionally include toxic substances like bath salts. For this reason, head shops are sometimes raided by police.

Unfortunately, as one of the only retail venues that sells kratom locally in stores, this safe, medicinal herb sometimes gets grouped with those dangerous products, and is stigmatized, or worse, confiscated. The average visitor to a head shop may be justifiably nervous that they are being monitored by law enforcement, even though they are committing no crime.

Perhaps because of this extra unwanted attention, head shops also raise prices prohibitively high. Running a large retail shop full of products, always under the threat of having inventory seized, overhead can be high. Kratom prices in head shops reflect this.

Finally, kratom selection is generally poor in a head shop. You may find one or two strains of kratom for sale, and even those may be branded and re-named with colorful labels which don’t give an accurate description of contents. Not knowing exactly what you’re consuming is a serious no-no with any herbal medicinal, and no kratom enthusiast should tolerate it.

Do Vitamin/Herb Stores Sell Kratom?

Many new users asking where to purchase kratom locally in their neighborhood will look in conventional health food markets or vitamin vendors for kratom products. On the surface this makes sense, as kratom has been shown clearly to be of great medicinal value to all systems of the body. It is a natural plant product that does not undergo any refining before it is sold to consumers. However, kratom is not yet sold in health food stores. Why not? The same misguided fear which prompts law enforcement to raid head shops is at play here. As an alternative medicinal product, kratom falls outside of the mainstream and is therefore not yet embraced by the conventional vitamin industry. There are also strict FDA regulations on how this herb can be marketed. However, these opinions are not set in stone and they clearly change with the times. As kratom use gets more widespread, it’s easy to imagine a day not that far off when we will see kratom capsules on the shelves of health markets, right next to the other supplements. But for now it’s not an option.

Online Vendors – A Local Favorite No Matter Where You Are

There’s another option for every shopper – buying kratom online. Wondering where to buy kratom locally? Just open your laptop – it doesn’t get much more local than that. The dawning of the new global kratom community has resulted in a number of new online vendors who offer a broad selection of kratom products to order and ship online. This method offers many instant advantages over head shops.

  • Fully legal in the USA
  • Completely confidential and private
  • A wide selection of all-natural products grown across Asia
  • Accurate product descriptions indicating strain and effects
  • Secure credit card transactions
  • Money back guarantees for total satisfaction
  • User testimonials allow you to buy with confidence

Top Online Vendors and Suppliers

A quick glance through user-run kratom message boards reveals a few recurring favorites. Again and again, users cite Arena Ethnobotanicals and Bouncing Bear Botanicals as first rate online vendors, with total trustworthiness, spectacular selections, and same day shipping from the U.S. That’s a pretty potent combo. Read the reviews and check out vendors like these to find the kratom products you’re looking for.

So, if you are wondering how you can buy kratom in stores locally, look no further than your computer or smartphone. You’ll find you have access to the best quality kratom in the world right at your fingertips, without having to leave your house. Take the guesswork and stress out of your kratom ordering experience, and instead focus on the fun of choosing a great strain that will deliver the exact effects you’re looking for. In the modern global economy, “local” has taken on a great new meaning. An adventure is just one click away.

Is Kratom Connoisseurs The Better Kratom Forum?

kratom connoisseurs

With the recent boom in kratom’s popularity, user forums like Kratom Connoisseurs have become pillars in an ever-expanding global community. By providing a venue for real kratom fans to share information with other users in a positive, friendly environment, sites like these are making it easier for more and more people to learn about the wonders of this humble herbal remedy. Once shrouded in mystery and ancient tradition, the Mitragyna Speciosa tree of Thailand and Southeast Asia is no longer only known to local villagers and medicine men. Now on user Kratom forums across the web, we all have access to valuable reviews and up to the minute legal info. Let’s take a look at one of the best such sites, and talk about what that means for the advancement of kratom.

The New Global Kratom Community

Once upon a time, you had to be born in a small village in Thailand or Malaysia to have even heard of the medicinal remedy known as kratom. Used for thousands of years as a folk medicine, stimulant, and component of ceremony, kratom was rediscovered in 1831 by a Dutch explorer who named it and began the process of introducing it to the West. An export business began in earnest, benefiting both the original indigenous kratom farmers, and the people of the world who slowly became acquainted with the health-enhancing, mood-lifting benefits of the remedy.

Less than 200 years later, the dawn of the internet has strengthened that burgeoning kratom culture and expanded it in ways that no medicine man might ever have predicted. Trusted online vendors have made high quality kratom easily accessible to almost every country on Earth. Along with that revolution in availability, there has also been an explosion of information regarding every detail of this plant and its medicinal use.

The main venue for this information has been the casual online forums where users can get together digitally to compare notes and compile the facts for one another’s benefit. One of the most popular, Kratom Connoisseurs, is a non-profit, trustworthy assembly of a broad range of users sharing their experiences with kratom.

The Importance of Participation

On a user-driven site, you never have to fear that the info you are reading is a hidden marketing pitch for a product. While of course, opinions on the internet are always to be taken with a grain of salt and in context, by and large the facts on non-commercial sites are more trustworthy. There is no agenda being pushed and nothing for anyone to gain by misleading.

More importantly, the marginalization/fear-mongering over kratom use perpetrated by the media and lawmakers has made participation on user forums like Kratom Connoisseurs an absolute must for kratom supporters. Quite simply, there is nowhere else to get quality, reliable information. By logging on and browsing forums devoted to product reviews, vendor reviews, discussions of chemistry and wellness, and up to the minute legal news, the average Kratom message board user can get informed on the facts. This leads to safer, more responsible usage across the board, as well as more enjoyable usage. These things contribute in a larger sense to a political climate where kratom remains legal, safe, and available to all. Isn’t that worth logging into Kratom Connoisseurs and sharing your opinion? You bet it is.

Is Kratom Connoisseurs the Better Kratom Forum?

The only drawback with Kratom Connoisseurs is its somewhat challenging registration process. Perhaps due to fear of persecution, the forum has enacted a moderator approval process for all new users which could take days or weeks of back and forth emails. Some registrants have said that they never received a reply. Hopefully, this method will be suspended and registration will be made easier for more people soon. The health of these sites and the kratom community in general depends in part on the influx of new people and new opinions. Once you are able to get approved, this site is surely an excellent resource.

Kratom Connoisseurs is a wonderful forum where users can share unbiased information in the interest of health and safety, and camaraderie. It’s also just plain fun for any serious fan of kratom. This site is just one of an exciting new breed of user-driven online discussion groups. As the user base of kratom forums continues to expand and include people from all walks of life, so too will the format and reach of these sites evolve. Participation is the key for all of us to help promote and protect the successful use of the herbal remedy we all love so dearly. So, put in your two cents, make your opinions known, and join in the healthy debate. As kratom enthusiasts, this is both our right and special responsibility.

The Definitive List of the 5 Kratom Strains

best kratom strains

The best kratom strains get called out by users again and again for potency, quality of effects, duration, and overall experience. Sure, everyone has their own favorites. Lots of factors go into why some strains click more than others with certain people, including body chemistry, tolerance, caliber of product, and dosage, among others. However, there are some kratom products that seem to transcend those details and deliver reliably superb results to a broad range of users. Here is a brief compilation of the 5 strains of kratom that never disappoint.

1. Maeng Da Reigns Supreme

Let’s start with the biggest and newest star in town. Once a rarity only known in very remote regions of Thailand, Maeng Da Kratom has quickly risen in esteem to become the most frequently cited strain on the internet. Why is it so popular? Most users agree that Maeng Da is a powerhouse of strong effects. The experience is so strong in fact, that most vendors advise that only experienced kratom fans give it a try.
Effects: You can expect to feel a very strong blast of natural power in this high energy strain. Users report intense feelings of euphoria, the best pain relief of any strain, and a very long duration of effects.

2. Red Bali – The Most Relaxing Strain On Earth
At the other extreme, we asked users what the most relaxing strain of kratom powder was on the market. Of the best kratom strains, hands down users sing the praises of the famously calming Red Bali kratom. Research has indicated that this unique strain actually is grown in Borneo, not Bali. The name was given to the strain many years ago by farmers who had to travel from Borneo to Bali to ship their product to the world. But the name won’t matter to anyone who wants to experience the maximum relaxation that any kratom strain can provide.

Effects: Users of this strain will feel stress levels cut dramatically. They will feel a gentle release of anxiety and worry that plagues the mind. Muscle relaxation and pain relief will go hand in hand to create a powerfully soothing experience, leading to excellent sleep.

3. Indonesia Makes The Cut
The massive group of islands known as Indonesia boast many native habitats for the kratom tree. This balmy tropical paradise is the perfect climate for nurturing wild Mitragyna Speciosa plants, the mother of all Premium Indonesian Kratom products. Also known as “Indo,” these strains produce a classic range of kratom effects that are known to be among the longest lasting of all strains.

Effects: Indo strains are well-known as the most “social” of all strains. They stimulate the kind of natural energy and confidence which dissolves social anxiety. Anyone who gets tongue-tied or shy in public settings could benefit from this strain.

4. All-Around Favorite – Green Borneo
Often thought of as the “best of both worlds,” green veined kratom strains like Green Borneo are known to wed the most relaxing kratom effects with the most energizing. Rather than fight one another, these elements harmoniously complement each other, for a sophisticated effect.
Effects: Incredible pain relief, intense mental focus without stress or jitters, and the energy to excel at every task the day present are just a few of the effects users love about Green Borneo.

5. White Borneo – A Classic, Fun Strain
One of the most enduringly popular varieties out of the best kratom strains has been used traditionally for as many as thousands of years.White Borneo was used by ancient cultures as a potent stimulant to make the work day more productive and enjoyable. Modern users around the globe still love it for the same reason.
Effects: This strain provides bright, clear energy, plain and simple. You’ll feel incredible mental focus, the drive and passion to get out there and enjoy life, and very pleasant, high energy euphoria.

There is no clear winner among the 5 Best Kratom Strains as reported by users. Each one has its own strengths, depending entirely on when and how you’d like to use it, and what types of effects are most desirable for you. Picking favorites here is not an exact science, so it’s best to simply use popular opinion as a flexible guideline that starts you off on your own exploration of which products work best for you. Be sure to sound off on your new favorite strains as soon as you figure it out!

Using Kratom to Treat Drug Addiction & Detox Symptoms

kratom drug addiction

Are you considering using kratom to help get over a drug addiction? If so, get acquainted with how and why people are trying this revolutionary theory before you apply it in your own life. The leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree have been providing relief for drug addictions and opiate withdrawal symptoms for hundreds of years as a folk medicine. Now, more and more modern drug treatment programs are exploring the use of this all-natural medicinal to ease the suffering of drug users and help them begin a new, drug-free life. With minimal side effects, using Kratom for drug addictions is a proven treatment that may be the ray of hope you’ve been looking for.

Why Detox Programs Are Using Kratom for Drug Addiction

While many fall victim to patterns of drug abuse, for many different reasons, just as many decide to improve the quality of their lives by leaving harmful drugs behind. Whether you are addicted to opium, heroin or any number of other illegal narcotics, take this step is not easy. This can be a difficult path, but a deeply inspiring one, that can positively impact the life of not only the drug user, but all of the people who care about them.

There are countless treatment programs available, geared towards every different type of addiction. The only problem with many of these programs is that they offer very limited options to the average person suffering from addiction – quit cold turkey and deal with horrendous withdrawal symptoms, or perhaps worse yet, transfer the addiction to another pharmaceutical substitute. We see this most often when heroin addicts are put on methadone programs which could then last a lifetime.

Using kratom to treat drug addiction offers a healthy, natural way forward that doesn’t involve terrible withdrawals or new chemical addictions. By dramatically relieving withdrawal symptoms, kratom therapy lets you ease down off of an opiate addiction gently and painlessly. This vital transition period can make all the difference between sticking with a program versus relapse. In extreme cases, withdrawal symptoms from hard drugs can be so intense that relapse seems like it provides the only relief for sufferers. Now, the herbal medicinal kratom drug offers a powerful alternative to relapse that works.

How it works:

Once ingested, the powerful plant compounds within kratom, called alkaloids, go right to work soothing and healing cell receptors that have been damaged by opiate abuse. The opiates stoked endorphin production to levels that cannot be sustained without perpetually increasing the dose and feeding the body more and more opiates. When kratom enters the body, it temporarily acts as an opiate agonist in these cells, in a sense plugging up the holes left by the opiates.

Using kratom for drug detox prevents the onset of withdrawal symptoms, even while the body is busy detoxing. Instead, a patient feels calming, soothing effects in the mind and body, promoting the conditions wherein every addict can begin to address their addiction and gently revise their relationship to drugs. In time and with the proper support, the addiction can finally be put to rest.

History of Using Kratom for Drug Withdrawal

As early as a century ago, medical journals in 1897 began recording the benefits of kratom for drug addiction treatment. Modern researchers at the National Institute of Thai Traditional Medicine in Bangkok have identified 7-hydroxymitragynine as a potent weapon in the fight against opiate addiction. The use of this treatment has also recently become popular in detox programs in New Zealand.

Does Kratom Eliminate Symptoms of Opiate Withdrawal?

Every body is different, and factors like overall health, severity of addiction, and type of drug abused will all play a role in the efficacy of kratom treatments. However, across the board, kratom has been shown to generate the following soothing effects in most users suffering from withdrawal:

  • Reduces mental anxiety
  • Soothes stomach
  • Calms jitters
  • Eases feelings of despair
  • Relaxes tight muscles
  • Allows for normal sleep patterns
  • Inspires feelings of optimism and even euphoria

Just these simple benefits will have major power for anyone suffering from a serious opiate withdrawal. Using kratom for addiction withdrawal will not add any additional side effects, nor create new dependencies. You will not need to begin taking another harsh drug like methadone. Furthermore, kratom is completely legal in the USA and the world, allowing you to safely and legally treat your addiction at your own speed. Kratom will help naturally bridge the gap as you begin to successfully quit opiates, expel toxins form your system and move towards new lifestyle patterns that are free from harmful drugs.

Kratom Plants for Sale – Growing and Harvesting Your Own

kratom plants for sale

Is buying kratom plants a viable option for growing your own supply of the popular herbal medicinal? There are many advantages to growing the foods you eat and the medicines you take. You can fine tune the quality of these products, guarantee their purity, and potentially save money on regular purchases from retailers. Most amateur growers will also tell you that the process is interesting and fun – a worthwhile hobby no matter the outcome. However, there are some important considerations for any at-home grower of Kratom plants for sale. Here are some basic facts to get you started.

Why Growing from Kratom Seeds Is Near Impossible
Why not just grow new kratom trees from seeds? To some, this might sound like the simplest option – just sprinkle some seeds in the garden and add water, right? Unfortunately, unless you live in Southeast Asia and have a lot of time on your hands, growing kratom from seeds is extremely difficult.

Most kratom seeds lose their viability or “life force” within days of leaving the parent tree. So, most seeds that are shipped commercially are basically dead by the time they arrive. Some growers have had success by planting a vast number of seeds for every potential plant – perhaps many thousands to one. In order to do this, you’ll need a very large parcel of land, with some very specific conditions. The soil must be nitrogen-rich. There must be abundant sunlight, but not all of it can be direct, as kratom trees, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa, thrive in warm shade. If you do achieve a seedling, be prepared to fertilize, water, and protect it for at least a year before leaves will be ready for harvest. A truly abundant tree may take many years or even a decade before it is truly mature.

For all of these reasons, seeds are just not practical. So, many would-be growers consider buying live kratom plants for sale. By skipping the most difficult early phase of a tree’s life, you could get a head start and have a good shot at being able to successfully harvest leaves.

Is Purchasing Kratom Plants Online Safe?
So, how does one go about acquiring a live tree? Most local nurseries will not stock the plant, in fact most will probably have never heard of it. The best option is to buy a plant online and have it shipped straight from the source.

A very small handful of online vendors offer this service. This live kratom plant from Arena Ethnobotanicals can indeed be sent through the mail safely. Grown from cuttings, the Malaysian plants can be legally shipped anywhere within the U.S., though general postal/FDA restrictions upon shipping live plants through the mail means they can not be sent overseas.

How much do kratom plants cost? Considering how rare they are, live Mitragyna Speciosa trees are actually quite inexpensive. For less than the typical price of 2 ounces of dried powder, you can be shipped a healthy, living kratom plant. Plant prices are typically determined by plant size in inches. While a 2-inch plant can be found for less than $30, an enormous 9-inch plant sells for $55. Of course, you can always find a deal if you are interested in buying more than one plant at once.

Purchasing plants online is actually quite easy, with one exception – they are so popular that they are often sold out! It takes time and care to grow and nurture these plants before they are available for sale, so sometimes demand outweighs supply. The best bet is to check back at the above links throughout the year to keep an eye on availability.

How To Grow Kratom Plants
Here are some basic instructions for what to do once your plant arrives in the mail. Be sure to follow all included instruction carefully.

  • Unpackage carefully.
  • Let the plant “relax” after its journey in a darkened room for a day.
  • Plant in soil.
  • Water generously and make sure soil never gets fully dry.
  • Create a small, humid environment, such as a plastic mini-greenhouse formed from a soda bottle.
  • Maintain moist and warm conditions.
  • If adequate natural sunlight is not available, add fluorescent grow lights. These plants enjoy around 4 hours of direct light per day, with shaded sun for the remainder.
  • Add nutrients regularly.
  • Stimulate leaves with wind or fan.
  • Now, be patient. When your tree has taken root and begun to mature (over 6-12 months), you will be able to pluck leaves safely and then dry them to be consumed.
    • Looking for kratom plants for sale will be a rewarding project for any amateur grower. With time and care, your plants will mature into an excellent source of leaves, and the many products that can be made from them. While you are waiting for them to grow, you can of course continue to enjoy traditional kratom products ordered online. Then in the future, you can supplement vendors’ products with all-natural medicinals you’ve grown on your own.

The Search For The Most Euphoric Kratom Strains

most euphoric kratom

What is the most euphoric kratom available on the market today? This is an important question for every kratom fan, and rightly so. In addition to all of the well-documented health benefits, that amazing euphoric feeling – a combination of joy, optimism, and energy – is the reason that so many people fall in love with kratom. Many report that this ecstatic feeling, which permeates both mind and body, is not artificial or drug-like. Instead, the wonderful leaves of the kratom tree seem to gently unlock our innate and natural potential to feel that good. Weighing science and user popularity, here is an account of the most recommended kratom for euphoria.

What Causes Kratom’s Euphoric Effects?

What is euphoria? It is an elevated state of happiness, elation, physical and mental well-being and total confidence. We have all experienced it from time to time, such as when we fall in love, get some great news, or even engage in very heavy exercise. How do the most euphoric kratom strains work to achieve this effect? Whenkratom’s core bioactive compounds, known as alkaloids, enter the blood stream, they bond with opioid receptors in our cells and stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, instructing it to release endorphins. These glandular neurotransmitters foster both pain relief and euphoria in the mind.

Top Euphoric Kratom Strains According To Users

In general, green and white strains are known to produce the most exaggerated euphoric kratom experiences. All leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree will produce some degree of this wonderful feeling, even the most relaxing red strains. However, these higher-energy varieties are the clear stars for mood-enhancement according to users:

Maeng Da. Hands down, this very strong strain is cited for maximum euphoria, which is said to onset quickly and intensely. Maeng Da may be too strong for novice users.

Green Malay. This classic leaf from Malaysia is famous for very natural and deep feelings of euphoria that are long-lasting.

White Borneo. This clean and clear feeling white strain is a favorite for anyone looking for a sensational all-over euphoric sensation. Users describe the mood as particularly bright, fun, and uplifting.

How Dosage Enhances Euphoric Effects In Any Strain

As with all kratom products, the best euphoria-inducing kratom strains require a finely tuned dosage to truly achieve the greatest effects. How your body and mind will react at different doses of any given strain is variable, but within general dosage guidelines, you can steer the experience to greater heights of euphoria by actually lowering the dose. This may seem counter-intuitive to some, but it is indeed part of the nature of this particular botanical remedy.

Lower doses (1-3 gram range): Most euphoric, energetic.
Middle doses (4-6 gram range): Strong euphoria balanced with strong relaxation.
Higher doses (7-10 gram range): More sedating than euphoric.

Euphoric Kratom As Therapy

It’s important to note that users seeking a euphoric feeling from kratom are also promoting vital emotional healing within. As many as hundreds of millions of people worldwide suffer from some symptoms of depression. This is a clinical illness, that can be utterly debilitating in it more serious forms. Even when not severe, depression can truly impede with our ability to appreciate life, be productive, and share our lives with others.

By taking kratom to enhance natural happiness, it is possible to receive some much needed assistance in peeling back layers of bad feeling which may have felt impenetrable before. Then, without the veil of sadness and hopelessness, true healing starts to become possible. There are no instant fixes for serious issues like these, but with the help of a natural remedy, the road to real healing begins. This concept is at the heart of why we consider kratom a potent therapy, and not simply a drug for pleasure seekers.

When you incorporate the most euphoric kratom strains into your routine, you are not cheating or getting artificially “high.” You are simply using this all natural plant remedy to re-connect with the happiness you already have inside of you, no matter how much your current health conditions or life situation may have clouded it. We all have down times throughout our lives, but once again, nature has offered us a safe, simple, and effective way to feel better, today.

Purchasing Kratom in Los Angeles, San Diego & California Legal Status

is kratom legal in california

It’s no surprise that the legality of kratom in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco & California is rock solid. At the forefront of many progressive social movements, California retains the frontier spirit it was founded upon. The stunningly beautiful state that is literally as far as one can go from the birthplace of the U.S. and still be on dry land is also a leading edge laboratory for forward thinking ideas that the rest of the nation usually follows. The widespread healthy use of natural herbal remedies is no exception. Californians, who as a whole have been on top of alternative healthy lifestyle trends for decades, have embraced the medicinal use of kratom, the plant-based remedy from Southeast Asia.

California – Consistently One of The Most Liberal States In The U.S.

Any cutting edge social issue you can think of has found passionate and skillful supporters on the West Coast of the U.S. From civil liberties, to caring for the less fortunate, from affordable healthcare, to equality for all of its citizens, the lawmakers of the Golden State are cultural pioneers. One issue that has recently been in the news is medical marijuana. In many California cities including Los Angeles, you can now find hundreds of legal marijuana dispensaries. Marijuana users who have been proscribed that type of herbal medication by doctors are able to access the plant without stigma or fear of prosecution. Most Los Angelenos don’t even bat an eye.

In California, Kratom while not connected to marijuana’s use or effects in any way, is similarly protected in the state. Some locals are hip to the famous benefits of this plant medicinal, which is known to boost relaxation, cut stress levels, provide mental focus, relieve pain, and boost immunity. And those who are not yet aware of it are still generally in favor of new and innovative approaches to wellness.

Laws & Kratom Safety

The legal status of Kratom in the United States and California is easy to predict when you look at the safety record of this traditional remedy. It has been used as a folk medicine for hundreds or perhaps thousand of years in its native regions, and over the past 2 centuries, people all over the globe have steadily made it more popular. We don’t know how many are using kratom regularly today, but it is probably at least in the many millions. With all of that use, there have been zero reported cases of severe bodily harm associated with its consumption. Not one, in all of recorded history.

Non-toxic. Kratom has not been noted to produce any of the toxic reactions or intense side effects we often see with chemical pharmaceutical medicines.

Non-hallucinogenic. Furthermore, kratom is not a hallucinogen. Used within safe dosage guidelines, it does not impair general function of the body and mind, but enhances it.

No severe withdrawal. Unlike opiates, kratom does not create significant withdrawal symptoms and therefore is not considered an addiction risk.

For these reasons alone, California has seen fit to keep kratom products legal and available to its people.

Head Shops In California

One place that Californians are able to buy kratom is in head shops. Also known as smoke shops or tobacconists, these retail stores also sell a limited selection of alternative health products which may include kratom. By supporting alternative lifestyles and civil freedoms, these shops do play an important role in society. However, they may not always be the best place to buy kratom in stores. With so much other inventory, the typical head shop can’t afford to carry more than a couple of kratom items, and what they do have has usually been price-inflated to support retail overhead. Also, it’s common to find unusually packaged “brands” of kratom, which are always a local marketing trick, as kratom from the source in Asia is never branded in this way. So, while it’s great to know that head shops are able to legally operate, they unfortunately can’t be recommended for the savvy kratom fan.

Where To Purchase Kratom in Los Angeles

Your best bet for finding a broad selection of real, all-natural kratom products is from an online vendor who has built the trust of the kratom community. Sites that are backed up by consistently good consumer reviews like Arena Ethnobotanicals typically offer excellent selections of kratom products from a variety of regional, indigenous farms in Southeast Asia. Look for products that indicate clearly where the leaves were grown -information about the strain will let you know what effects to expect. You can also expect prices that are as low as half what you’d pay in a California head shop.

The way West Coast locals treat the Kratom leaf is an excellent trailblazer for other states who are interested in protecting civil freedoms and promoting alternative healthcare. At this time 48 out of 50 states in the U.S. allow the use of kratom, though some rights may be in jeopardy in the coming years. That being said, the use of Kratom in California and Los Angeles is not up for debate at all. It’s important for all of us to be a part of the California-style movement for health and freedom, wherever we live.

Legality of Kratom in Denver & Colorado 2014

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If you’ve got questions about the current legal status of buying Kratom in Denver or elsewhere in the state of Colorado, fear not. The herbal medicinal products made from the leaves of the Asian Mitragyna Speciosa tree are legal and their use is protected by local laws throughout Colorado. Can we count on this remaining the case in the year to come? The politics of the medial marijuana movement may give us some clues. While kratom is neither hallucinogenic, synthetic, or dangerous, there are still those who wish to block its free use in the U.S. Here’s why Colorado currently stands for freedom.

Progressive Politics In Colorado

Colorado is no stranger to progressive politics. Maybe the early history of the territory as an American frontier has remained a powerful influence on the hearts and minds of the people who live and govern there. The stunningly beautiful natural landscapes also play their part – keeping a focus on the gifts of nature, and the transcendent beauty that our planet has to give. Colorado has been a national leader in conservation issues, equal rights movements, and more recently, the medical marijuana movement.

It is no surprise then, that the state would not bow to media hype and misinformation regarding the use of the powerful herbal medicinal, kratom. In recent years, conservative legislators in Indiana and Tennessee have put bans on its use, as a political move to quell fears around the use of bath salts and other “legal highs.” While kratom products have absolutely nothing to do with those substances, it has still unfortunately been grouped in with blanket bans on many products sold in head shops. In Colorado head shops, kratom remains very popular and safe to buy. In fact, Denver head shop owners report that sales of kratom have been especially high in the wake of the crusade of legal highs – probably because kratom stands as a healthy, natural alternative to those dangerous products.

Is Kratom Use The Same As Medical Marijuana?

The legal status of Kratom in the United States or in Colorado is not tied in any way to the medical marijuana laws, however, there are some similarities. Kratom is not a psychedelic drug and is not considered a controlled narcotic, like marijuana. However it is a plant which grows naturally from the earth, which has been used for countless centuries for medicinal purposes. The same could be said for cannabis plants. Kratom and medical marijuana are sometimes used for similar physical and mental conditions, like the relief of pain, nausea, and stress. And like cannabis, kratom has frequently been the target of moral and social control crusades over the years.

Kratom is an all-natural medicinal plant that has been used traditionally in many cultures. It makes sense that any local government that permits the medical use of a controversial plant like marijuana would also defend the use of kratom. That is the extent of the connection between the two. No legislation concerning medical marijuana has mentioned kratom at all. Perhaps in the future, doctors, scientists, and users will band together to more actively promote the many medical benefits of kratom within the legal system and media. For now, kratom enthusiasts need no special permission or prescription to use this benign herbal remedy.

How To Purchase Kratom in Denver and Colorado

The quickest and easiest way to purchase high quality kratom is to shop online. No matter what time of year it is – or which way the political winds are blowing – you can always find a reliable and affordable selection of the medicinal from the trusted online vendor of your choice. Many new vendors have cropped up, especially as kratom has gained more acceptance in big metropolitan cities like Denver. Be sure to choose one that has great fan reviews, fast shipping from the U.S., and a money back guarantee. Arena Ethnobotanicals is a great place to start learning about the different kratom products and to try them out when you’re ready.

Staying informed and proactive is absolutely essential when it comes to protecting your own civil rights. The legal status of Kratom in Colorado should not be taken for granted – it is simply the current manifestation of public opinion and practice. Keep Kratom sales safe and legal in your area by sharing your positive opinions of the remedy with the people you care about, and with your elected representatives when the time is appropriate. In this way, we all can contribute to a free, open, and healthy society.

Where to Purchase Kratom in Seattle & Washington State

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Given that the West coast is known for liberal politics, the legal status for Kratom in Seattle and Washington was not previously in question. However, recent efforts by lawmakers in the state have thrown the basic civil rights of kratom users into jeopardy. Will Washington State be the third U.S. state to enact a kratom ban, after Indiana and Tennessee? If ignorance and misinformation are allowed to dominate on this issue, easy access to kratom could become illegal. For now, let’s talk about how this still-legal herbal medicinal is faring in the Pacific Northwest.

Popularity of Kratom in Washington On The rise

Before any talk of a legal ban even began, the statistics painted a new portrait of kratom popularity in the Northwest. As reported by local head shops across the state, use of Kratom powders and capsules has been way up. Store owners report that kratom is eclipsing all other products to become one of the most widely-enjoyed herbal supplements available. Some say the recent scandals involving dangerous “legal highs” like bath salts have literally cleared more shelf space for the powdered products of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree. With more access and visibility, more patrons have had a chance to try kratom for the first time, and most become avid repeat customers.

The Push By Lawmakers For A Ban

Of course, those recent scandals, while utterly unrelated to the average kratom experience, have also had some negative repercussions. Nervous politicians have seized upon the latest hyped fears being reported in the media to create another hot-button issue to stoke the nerves of voters. This is one of the oldest tricks in the playbook of old politics – create a fake problem, stoke fear about the problem, and then pretend to solve the problem. So, many herbal remedies have been targeted by lawmakers in many U.S. states, like Senator Crowe of Louisiana, and Representative Baudler of Iowa. Many fear that Washington state legislators will be soon behind.

What’s the only “problem” with this problem? Kratom is not harmful. It is not synthetic, like those other “legal highs”, and in fact it has a broad range of documented health benefits. There is no scientific evidence supporting the need for a ban whatsoever – it is strictly political.

The Thailand defense. Some lawmakers are quick to point out that Thailand, the natural birthplace of kratom trees, has itself banned the substance. This is offered as some kind of proof about kratom’s supposed harmful effects. Except, as has been pointed out every time this defense is voiced, Thailand only banned kratom in 1943 because it was a direct and harmless competitor to the illicit opium trade. So in fact, the Thailand ban only supports kratom’s value as health aid, not the opposite.

The Truth of Kratom’s Safety Record

While Kratom is still perfectly legal in Washington and the city of Seattle, it’s important to re-state kratom’s flawless safety record. Over the past 200 years of modern use, do you know how many documented reports there have been of serious illnesses, injuries, or deaths from the use of kratom? Zero. Absolutely none. And furthermore, kratom has been used safely for as many as a thousand years before that, as a common folk medicine in many parts of Southeast Asia. These facts make talk of a kratom ban in Seattle sound even more ridiculous.

How To Legally Purchase Kratom in Seattle and Washington

If you are uneasy shopping in head shops and have fears about any impending encroachments upon your legal rights to buy and use kratom as you see fit, then the best option might be to shop online. This way, your purchases remain 100 percent legal and 100 percent confidential, as they should be. Not only that, but purchasing from a reputable vendor online will offer you a far greater selection of quality products, and money-back guarantees to give you peace of mind. Online stores are also often a lot cheaper than if you were to buy Kratom in Seattle local shops.

Quality kratom vendors like Arena Ethnobotanicals offer residents of the USA an easy way to comply with the law and get high-end kratom delivered swiftly and privately to their door. While kratom users in Washington have no reason to hide their use of this safe, traditional herbal remedy, sometimes it’s easiest just to skip the drama and get straight to the benefits your mind and body deserve. Let the politicians keep and enjoy all of the drama for themselves.